This number modulates the frame number, using modulo arithmetic. See manual for more details. This is the frame number offset. For PICS and QuickTime, N frames past the start of the movie. For picture files, N is added to the end of the file name. This area is as-yet unused. Notes field Click here to select the field. This field is used for your own notes, and for optical press, camera, and other commands. Rotation field Click here to select the field. This field controls the rotation of the layer, in degrees. Hold field. Click here to select the field. A hold of 0 means that this is not the end of the frame. Positive numbers indicate the number of frames to shoot. Vert. mag. field The contents of this field control the mag., as a percentage of normal. If this field is 0. Mag. controls all mag.. If this field is nonzero, then Mag. and this field control horiz. & vert. mag. factors, respectively. Magnification field Click here to select the field. The contents of this field control the magnification, as a percentage of normal. Top/Left fields Click here to select the field. The contents of this field control where the object is displayed. Picture/File field The contents of this field control what is displayed. Option-click to edit the file name. Option-shift-click to edit in a System 6 sound file name. Command-click to open the named paint file for editing. Dialog field Click here to select the field for text edit. This field is used for synchronization notes, and not interpreted by the program. Frame number Click and drag here to select frames. Option-click here to insert a new frame. Frame number Click and drag here to select layers. Option-click to insert a new layer. Column header Click here to change exposure sheet format.